Supporting Students Throughout Derek Chauvin's Trial


Today marks the beginning of the trial of Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer who murdered our South Minneapolis community member, George Floyd, last May. This trial, along with the continued work of eradicating systemic racism, will take time.

To support young people throughout this time, it's important to make space for students to process, especially as the events of the trial unfold over the next weeks/months combined with returning to in-person learning. It's also vital for educators to realize that students may not feel safe processing these events with you or their classmates. Or, they simply might not want to, not know how to, or be unsure of what to say.

With this in mind, we encourage educators to:

  • make safe spaces for students to discuss current events (even if that means missing your intended lesson for the day)

  • let students guide the conversation when they are able/willing

  • always be ready to answer questions

But, keep in mind that:

  • youth don't owe you their trauma

  • silence is perfectly acceptable

  • you may need to have a backup plan if students don't feel like processing or discussing as you planned

826 MSP will be implementing these recommendations across all programs. Students, we are here for you. #justiceforgeorgefloyd #blacklivesmatter #listentoyoungpeople

826 MSP