February Newsletter

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Dear Friends,

2021 is underway! We are excited to be embarking on new collaborations and publishing projects, both locally and across the 826 National network. Read on for February news from 826 MSP... 

  • Submissions are open for "A Place Worth Being" with Jason Reynolds! We invite students ages 13 and up to submit original writing inspired by Jason Reynolds' video "For Every One" and related 826 Digital Spark "A Place Worth Being". Students from 826 MSP's very own Young Authors' Council, along with young writers from our sister chapters across the U.S., will serve as an editorial board to select pieces for publication. Share widely, and the deadline for submissions is March 5!

  • 826 National released a white paper on the state of writing education in the U.S. In case you missed it, be sure to check out the latest report from 826 National, who interviewed writing education experts, including authors, researchers, and educators, to bring writing education to the forefront of public policy and funding conversations.

  • Our 2019-20 YABP, Words Unburden Me, will be released in April! We cannot wait to unveil this publication which was delayed due to school closures in 2020. Save the date for April 30th, from 4-5 p.m., for a virtual release party. Email Ashley@826msp.org to RSVP!

Student Spotlight

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February is Black History Month, but Hawi's message resonates powerfully and should be heard all year round. Hawi's piece will be published in our forthcoming Young Authors' Book Project, Words Unburden Me. It was also the title inspiration for María Isa's song based on the book, "Be Proud."

Upcoming Events

Supporter Spotlight

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The Cuttlefish Society is 826 MSP's monthly giving group. Making a monthly donation is the most sustainable way to support our youth writing programs. Plus, there are some great benefits to joining, such as first invites to events, Mid-Continent Oceanographic Institute gear, and, of course, student writing. Join our incredible group of sustaining supporters by setting up your monthly gift today!

Join our monthly giving group!

826 MSP