Parents’ Corner
Parents’ Corner
Welcome to 826 MSP's parents’ corner, where you can find information about 826 MSP's programs and how your family can sign up.
After-School Writing Lab
826 MSP offers free drop-in homework help and creative writing four days a week, serving students in grades K–12. Our staff and trained volunteers are very knowledgeable and can offer guidance in anything from early writing skills to advanced chemistry. If you have any questions about After-School Writing Lab, please email or call 612-259-8562.
How It Works
Students must be registered to attend After-School Writing Lab. 826 MSP has registration forms at our location for parents to fill out and sign. After a short meeting with a staff member, students can begin attending our program.
826 MSP is open Monday to Thursday, from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. We are a drop-in program. Once students are registered, they may come as often as they like.
When students come to 826 MSP, they are given a snack and paired with a trained volunteer, who works with them to set goals for their session and complete their work. Students begin with homework (if they have any) and then move into reading and writing activities.
At the Writers’ Table, students work on different writing prompts and projects to practice their creative writing skills. At the end of each semester, 826 MSP publishes students’ writing in a chapbook that is given to all students and sold in our store.
Once students have finished their homework, reading, and twriting, we ask that they leave so we can serve the other students in the space. We ask that students are not at 826 MSP for more than 2 hours each day.
“It is so good that you are doing this. My children love to come here. I am ready for my youngest to be old enough to come, too!”
826 MSP follows the calendar of Minneapolis Public Schools, so when MPS is not in session, we do not offer programs (especially After-School Homework Help). For the MPS calendar, please go here. For weather-related school closing information, please go here. 826 MSP’s calendar is available below. You can also follow our social media (to the right) for updates.
Follow Us!
At 826 MSP, we love to share what we're doing with others. From events to student work, volunteer opportunities to funny articles, we are active on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and we'd love for you to follow us for updates and fun. If your student has a signed media and publishing release, you may even see them on our social media!