June Newsletter

Dear 826 MSP community,

Tomorrow is my last day at 826 MSP. These past five years have been hard, beautiful, and humbling. In this role, I was able to work in service every day of brilliant, powerful, and joyful young people. I will never forget watching students perform folk tales on stilts, breaking ground on our new writing center in South Minneapolis, or when Dave Eggers surprisingly decided to paint our bathroom. 

Of course, the most memorable part of this experience has been the student writing. Last week we released our third book with my former high school, South High. This powerful trilogy is full of the stories I wish I had written or read as a young person. 

I will carry our young authors’ words with me (and will continue to find them on lawn signs throughout the city). And, I know that our students, families, staff, volunteers, and board will thrive under our new Executive Director. I am thrilled to be leaving 826 MSP under Dr. Jamal Adam’s leadership. I can't wait to see the stories that will bloom and the power that will be built during his tenure. Please reach out to him at jamal@826msp.org to welcome him to our community and to congratulate him on his new role. 

Finally, I wouldn’t be doing my job as ED if I didn’t end with an ask. I’m donating today to the Next Chapter Fund because I believe in the future of 826 MSP. I hope you will join me in helping the organization raise $10,000 this summer to help launch this next chapter.

Donate Here

Signing off,

Samantha Sencer-Mura

Student Spotlight

Photographs by Uche Iroegbu.

Last week, we celebrated the release of our newest anthology publication, Rehumanize Me! Some of our talented young authors read their pieces to a crowd of our community and supporters.

Upcoming Events

  • Outdoors Outspoken begins on July 12! Our summer program focuses on themes of climate change and environmental justice through creative writing projects. Email aminah@826msp.org to sign up or learn more!

  • Join us at the following events this summer!

Supporter Spotlight

We are so grateful for our publishing partner, Wise Ink, for their longstanding support! Thank you for helping us make the Rehumanize Me release party such a success!

826 MSP is Hiring!

We are hiring for the position of Writers' Room Manager!

  • Applications due on July 8, 2022.

  • For application details, visit 826msp.org/careers.

  • For further information and questions, please contact Program Director Cristeta Boarini at cristeta@826msp.org.

826 MSP