April Newsletter

Dear Friends, 

Minnesota’s weather might be a bit behind on this… but April at 826 MSP means spring has sprung! We are busily preparing for the end of the school year, including getting pieces finalized for our spring publications. We’re also wrapping up our program year with some wonderful partnerships. 

In the photo above, Minneapolis-based author Anika Fajardo is visiting our After-School Writing Lab program. In a series of workshops, Anika read excerpts from her middle-grade novel What If a Fish and led students in a unit on magical realism. She shared about the choices writers can make to infuse memories into their writing as well as fantastic or magical elements. She prompted students to try this, and some examples from Ruweyda (grade 3) and Abdikabir (grade 2) are below.

 Read on for more April updates and student work!

-the 826 MSP crew

Student Spotlight

This year, students from our Young Authors’ Council program have been revisiting chapbooks from the last 5 years to select writing for a forthcoming compendium publication. Young Authors’ Council is a leadership program for youth in grades 7-12, and as part of this project, they have been reflecting on why writing, particularly for and by young people, is important.

Upcoming Events

  • Chapbook Release Party on May 19

  • Last day of ASWL on May 19

  • Last day of Field Trips on May 26

  • 826 MSP closed for Memorial Day on May 30

Supporter Spotlight

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month and we want to send immense gratitude to caring and dedicated volunteers. Thank you for the support you provide to our students! Our programs could not thrive without you!

Donate to 826 MSP!

826 MSP