826 MSP’s mission is to amplify the voices, stories, and power of K-12 BIPOC students through writing, publishing, and leadership programs.

Featured Student Writing
I’m planting a seed
This seed feels like
a better community
I cover it and I water it
It already sprouted
I can smell the scent
of sambusa coming
from this seed of hope
When this seed grows up
it will symbolize a better future
It will also feed those
who have nothing
and will encourage young ones
to never give up.
Faisa, Grade 5
It’s not easy being me.
Wearing a hijab, getting nasty
looks from people when crossing the streets. Constant fear of getting
it snatched.
It’s not easy being me,
Being a Black girl with racism
bouncing around. My culture
defines me. But for some
people, it makes me bad.
I’m Somali, but that doesn’t
make me a pirate. I’m kind,
not a kidnapper. I don’t treat people
differently because of the
color of their skin.
It’s not easy being me,
a Muslim, Black, beautiful girl.
My afro popping under my hijab. It’s not easy being me, a pretty,
more-than-enough young woman.
Samira, grade 6