Introducing 826 MSP's Strategic Plan & 20-21 Annual Report

Cover illustration by Hibaaq Ibrahim of Moon Juice Murals

In the summer of 2021, 826 MSP embarked on a strategic planning process to determine our priorities for the next two years. Given the rapidly-shifting nature of our world, we partnered with Naaima Khan of Create Good, who specializes in real-time strategic planning. Working with Naaima gave our team a strong foundation in strategic thinking, strengthening our capacity to evaluate priorities amidst the evolving and emergent needs of our community.

As part of this process, we engaged with 50+ stakeholders (including students, families, educators, volunteers, donors, and community partners, in addition to our board and staff). In these conversations, we heard from our community on what they value about 826 MSP, what makes us unique, and how we need to grow.

What we found is that the roots we’ve built thus far are strong. Our priorities for the future involve deepening those commitments and building even stronger relationships. Our strategic priorities are included below and detailed further in the report.

  • Develop clear organizational identity

  • Further develop staff and board capacity to address equity

  • Deepen youth engagement

  • Grow collaborations with aligned partners

  • Continue expansion of family engagement

  • Continue pursuing equitable fundraising

  • Lay foundations for program and operational growth

Where we are going is grounded in where we’ve been; thus, you’ll also find updates from our 20-21 program year in this report. (Download the PDF here.)

Gratitude to all who helped us craft this vision for the future!


the 826 MSP crew

826 MSP