Peaceful 2022 Wishes

Dear Ashley,

We are closing out 2022 with some peaceful words (and a sneak preview!) from our latest chapbook, The Tree That We All Grow On. This book was written by youth in our After-School Writing Lab and Young Authors' Council programs—a few of whom are pictured above. 

We hope that the year wraps up joyfully for you and yours (and includes some fresh-baked brownies, pineapple pizza, and quiet reading time!). 

Thanks for your support as part of 826 MSP's community, and we'll see you in 2023!

the 826 MSP crew 

P.S. There's still time to make a 2022 tax deductible gift in support of our free youth writing programs! We are 60% of the way toward our goal of unlocking a $10k matching gift. Help us cross the finish line by making a gift today

826 MSP