Justice for Amir Locke

826 MSP and our wider community are grieving from the loss of Amir Locke at the hands of Minneapolis Police. First and foremost, Amir Locke was a human being, a young man with stories to tell, and a full humanity that was viciously taken from him in nine seconds.

As an organization dedicated to youth voice, we support all of the students who participated in the walkout yesterday. We amplify the demands they have shared related to this unjust act of violence. (List here: https://twitter.com/ninamoini/status/1491104100276391936

Our community is hurting. There is so much work ahead. 

Humanize Amir Locke. Humanize Black youth. Protect them at all costs, and share their stories. 

#justiceforamirlocke #amirlocke #sayhisnameamirlocke #blacklivesmatterminneapolis #blmminneapolis #justice4amir

826 MSP