July Newsletter

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Dear Community,

The past four months have been filled with changes, adaptations, challenges, and surprising opportunities and successes. As we prepare for a predominantly virtual return to 826 MSP's programs in the fall, we are grateful for all we've learned since going remote. Whether in-person or virtual, our students want to write, to learn, and to connect with their peers and our community. We are so glad to be able to maintain our free youth writing, tutoring, publishing, and leadership programs, even from a distance. Check out these photos and a recap from Program & Volunteer Coordinator, Ellen Fee, for a glimpse into our summer program.  

This week, we wrapped up our virtual summer camp, Outdoors Outspoken. Over the past 4 weeks, students ages 7–12 explored issues of environmental justice through writing. From water quality to endangered species, fair parks to naming (and re-naming) our lakes and monuments, our young writers have a lot to say. To make their voices heard, students wrote letters to representatives as shown above. Students, staff, and volunteers celebrated the release of a new zine and mailed their letters on Thursday at a socially distanced “drive-thru” party. 

Check out this piece by young author, Adam, age 12, based on the poem “Remember” by Joy Harjo, U.S. Poet Laureate and member of Muscogee (Creek) Nation.

Remember people give birth to people. 
That’s how the new generation is born. 

Remember that generation after generation, wise
people after wise people, but they will all pass away. 

Remember that knowledge can be passed down, 
but souls cannot. 
Knowledge lasts forever, but souls don’t. 
Souls are not useful after they die. 

Remember that trees are born from Mother Nature.
Mother Nature holds us with her sweet arms. 

Remember. Just remember.

Student Spotlight


Product Spotlight


Check out our latest publication for advice, hope, basketball, unicorns and so much more! I Bet You Have Something to Say For Your Future features writing from After-School Writing Lab and the Young Authors' Council.

Upcoming Events

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We are excited to present our first donor education event virtually on August 12. This event is not a fundraiser. Rather, it's a chance for donors and supporters to learn more about our work, the students whose voices we amplify, and the broader system which was designed to keep them silent. Email ashley@826msp.org to RSVP! 

Supporter Spotlight

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826 MSP