Happy 826 Day!

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Happy 826 Day!

We are celebrating our network's favorite holiday in a few ways, and we invite you to join in.

  • Today, we are delivering free lawn (or window) signs with student writing to homes around the Twin Cities! We still have signs left to share. If you're interested in amplifying the voices of 826 MSP's young writers in your neighborhood, fill out this form to reserve your sign. Once your sign is posted, we'd love to see your photos on social media. Use #826signofthetimes and @826msp to tag us! 

  • In addition to the lawn signs, we're also delivering "826 in a box" packages directly to the homes of our young authors. As we prepare to start the school year with distance learning, we want to make sure that the creativity and inspiration of our space is accessible to students beyond the submarine walls of the Mid-Continent Oceanographic Institute. Thank you to everyone who made in-kind donations to this project! If you still want to contribute, email Ellen

  • Lastly, we are so excited to officially launch our annual Back to School Campaign! Make a donation between now and October 1 to celebrate 826 Day and support our young writers as we begin the school year with 100% virtual and remote programming. 

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826 MSP