February Newsletter

Dear Friends, 

When asked, "Why do you think publishing student work is important?" this is how 826 MSP young writer, Anton J. answered: 

“our voices need to be forefronted if we want to reimagine this world.” 

We couldn't agree more. At 826 MSP, publishing student work is a big deal. Celebrating students' words in the form of real books is a crucial part of our work. Related to publishing, the spring of 2022 marks an exciting milestone: students in After-School Writing Lab have been writing and producing chapbooks for the last five years. In honor of this, our Young Authors' Council members will be assembling and editing a retrospective publication for release this summer which highlights some of their favorite pieces from this time. (Of course, there will be some brand new writing as well!)

The power of publishing rings true across the 826 network, and our friends at 826 National just released a new report: "Publishing Student Writing: 'This is more than a book.'" We'll share the four big impacts of publishing below, but we invite you to check out the full report and other recent research from 826 National here

Impacts of Publishing:

  1. To create real-world learning opportunities that motivate students to write.

  2. To increase students' feelings of ownership and pride in their writing.

  3. To use as a learning tool for other student writers.

  4. To include and amplify student voices in the larger societal conversation.

One way you can support this work is to buy student-authored publications from 826 MSP and our sister chapters across the U.S. You can also share the words we digitally publish on social media. (Follow us @826msp.) Speaking of amplifying youth voices, congratulations to 826 MSP young author, Faaya, for her recent award! Read her full piece here

In community,
the crew at 826 MSP  

Student Spotlight

Spread the word about 826 MSP's job opening!

826 MSP is accepting applications for the position of Executive Director through March 31, 2022. Have any questions about the position? Email edsearch@826msp.org to learn more. Share widely!

Supporter Spotlight

826 MSP