February Newsletter

Dear Friends,

826 MSP felt the love in February with several opportunities for our young authors to read and write in community with peers and professional authors alike.

South High students got to meet two local authors, who visited our Writer’s Room. The authors, Sarah Hanley and Erin Soderberg Downing, shared their experiences as writers and offered tips to the young writers in attendance. They also read excerpts from their books and answered questions from students. Their visits highlight the importance of role models and the positive impact that such visits can have on aspiring writers. For more information on the visit, check out the reflections from our Writer’s Room Manager, Annie Chen, here.

Last week, six students from After-School Writing Lab attended the launch party for neighborhood literary magazine the Phoenix of Phillips and, alongside other student authors from Minneapolis, read their work for an audience. Our six young authors were selected as winners in a youth-led poetry contest and featured in the most recent issue of the magazine.

And coming up on Saturday, March 18, 826 MSP will host local author Stephanie Watson for our monthly Story Hour, a new program for kids under 7 and their family and caregivers. 

And, of course, thanks to all of you for being part of our creative, loving community!

–the 826 MSP crew

ID: South High students participate in a recent Writers' Room author visit.

Student Spotlight

Congrats to poetry contest winners and After-School Writing Lab students Amira, Ayub, Samira, Bina, Sofia, and Faisa, who received awards and read their poetry at the Phoenix of Phillips literary magazine launch last Friday at the Midtown Global Market.

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