August Newsletter

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Rebuild. Reckon. Resist. Write. Repeat.

Dear Community,

We just celebrated 826 Day (8/26), a day dedicated to amplifying youth voices and celebrating the power of young people writing. The day was full of joy as we placed the words of students on lawns across the Twin Cities, and the day held some loss too, as we know that it is still not safe for us to celebrate together in-person.

We are also approaching the fall and the start of a new school year. We come to this new season after the young people in our community experienced a spring facing screens, and a summer facing unrelenting injustice. We as a community are in a process of rebuilding, reckoning, resisting. 

For Minneapolis public school students, this first day of school will be unlike any other. Students will be starting the year in virtual and distance learning, and 826 MSP’s programs will follow suit. We will be starting both our in-school and out-of-school programs online, and our center will remain temporarily closed while our staff continues to work remotely. Read this blog for more details on distance learning programs this fall. 

There is much that we don’t know at this time. We don’t know how long this pandemic will last. We don’t know what real change or reform will come from this summer of uprising. 

What we do know is that there is writing to be done. There are stories to be told. We will continue to honor the words of our young authors through whatever means necessary (which sometimes means unique publishing opportunities like lawn signs) as we move into the 2020-2021 program year.

Rebuild. Reckon. Resist. Write. Repeat.

-Samantha Sencer-Mura

826 MSP Executive Director

Happy 826 Day!

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826 MSP's five returning staff members (+Sharky!) are starting the year in style. 

As you can see, we had a great time celebrating our network's favorite holiday this week! Thanks to those who are helping amplify 826 MSP's young writers by putting up signs in windows and yards (and for sharing pics with us!). If you live in the area and haven't yet ordered a sign, we still have more to share! Fill out this form to request your sign between now and September 14. 

Donate to our Back to School Campaign!

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Our 2020 Back to School campaign is now live! Donate between now and October 1 as we launch our virtual programming for the 20-21 school year. Help us meet our goal of raising $10,000 in support of distance learning programming such as virtual field trips, author visits, after-school tutoring, publishing projects, and so much more. Learn more and donate here

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Supporter Spotlight

Copy of July NEwsletter Supporter Spotlight.png
826 MSP